Tuesday, May 29, 2007

Those who forget the past....

As I've gotten older, I don't watch as much TV as I used to because, I'm not particularly interested in most of the content that's on TV. I have been following the coverage of the closure of RCTV in Venezuela by president Hugo Chavez. Chavez has been highly critical of the station because among other things, it's Anti-Chavez stance.(Quelle suprise!) So, the world watches as Chavez continues to tread on dangerous ground. I understand that the Venezuelan people wanted a change, but at what cost? According to a poll, 70% of Chavez's supporters (that's supporters) disagree with the removal of RCTV. Is freedom of speech and expression such a threat to Chavez's socialist values that he systematically removes what he deems as inapropriate? I, for one, hope the Venezuelan people don't regret voting "El Comandante Chavez" into office.

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