Monday, October 1, 2007

The Folsom Street Fair 2007: My thoughts

About an hour ago, I got home from work. Yesterday, I attended the Folsom Street Fair volunteering at a booth for The Center. I must say after 20 years as an out gay man, I've not tired and continue to get a kick out of being part of a GLBT(hetero-friendly) event. There were, of course, the usual naked people, who needed to cover up, however I saw several couples at this event and with all due respect to all couples, I find nothing hotter than to see two masculine, (not neccesarily muscle-bound) men holding one another's hand and going about their business. Anything public act that challenges archaic, stifling beleifs meant to control and conform, is something that, while I won't neccesarily partake in, I can accept.

P.S.: If those masculine, hand-holding couples happen to be wearing buttless chaps, it's extra points in my book!

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