Sunday, November 25, 2007

Come on night!

Although I saw "Dreamgirls" three times on a large screen, movie theatre, bought the DVD when it came out, (and even saw a 1990 touring company of it, at The Starlight Bowl in San Diego, complete with 747's flying above), I could not resist seeing it again as "Sing-Along Dreamgirls" at the Castro Theatre. The audience was a nice cross section of the GLBT community, which is why I don't mind goin alone to these events. I feel as though I am a part of a community, when there are other GLBT folk around me. I have heard that a number of people who identify as GLBT, don't feel part of of a community, but I believe while there are many fragmented "subcultures", an individual has to go out there and find a place for themselves and not allow anyone to determine who should be part of a set community.