Friday, June 27, 2008

Gay Pride Weekend 2008

Gay Pride Weekend is once again upon us here in the Bay Area. This will mark 20 years since I attended my first Gay Pride Parade in San Diego, 1988. From time to time, I hear about the lack of visibility of people of color within gay or gay-friendly neighborhoods....oh, poo: My suggestion is to become visible, on your own terms, but nonetheless, be visible. Let no one dictate who you should be....NO ONE, not even those with (good?) intentions. I find being part of the GLBT community as a blessing, and even if you only do it internally, embrace your inner fabulousness. Happy Pride to all!!

Friday, June 6, 2008

Fears,Gratitude, and Smiles

Yesterday and Stacy and I met for coffee and lunch at Stonestown Shopping Center. I lamented that because I had a late summer trip to San Diego/Tijuana in late summer, I would not be able to join him on his trip to Atlanta, a trip he planned prior to our relationship. As we talked, my insecurities came up, I feared disappointing him, I feared I was being flaky and in trun hurting him. When I got on the "M" streetcar to come to work, I thought about how grateful and fortunate I am to have such an understanding man in my life. Stacy and I have both gone thru the same experiences of solitude, hard-headedness, solitude, etc... to empathize with one another. These mutual experiences help to make us a strong couple. When I got to work, I felt better and called to tell him so. As I walked to work, up on Stockton Street, right at Macy's, I spot Hot House porn star, Ross Hurston, in a bit of a hurry....I smiled and along with spending time with my beloved Stacy, seeing a hot porn star made my day.