Thursday, March 22, 2007

So, are you a feminist writer or what...?

In order to save a bit of money, (actually quite a bit of money) I am taking what I hope to be my final class in the pursuit of my Bachelor's Degree in Speech and Communication. I am taking this English class at my old stomping grounds, City College of San Francisco. I'm currently writing a paper on the Joyce Carol Oates, short story "Where Are Going, Where Have You Been". Now, my ever curious Virgonian mind, immeidately goes to one of my favorite web pages, I see that Joyce Carol Oates identifies as a feminist writer. Fine, terrific, more power to you. However, the short story in question is one where a seemingly idependent teenaged girl, gets into a perilious situation with a sinister male.

I don't question the right to write whatever moves you, but is a story about a young woman in peril supposed to be a cautionary tale when written by a feminist writer?? It is a question that's been on my mind, since I decided to do a paper based on the story.

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