Sunday, July 29, 2007

Dropping off the face of the earth...then reappearing

Street fairs in San Francisco are more than just places to people watch or be seen, invariably you're bound to find someone you've not seen in a significant amount of time. Once at The Harrison Street Fair some years back, I ran into a friend who commented that we hadn't seen each other in so long, that he thought, I had either moved or fallen off the face of the earth. Indeed, when you pursue your studies and work full-time, you do disappear. Today, at The Dore Alley Fair, I ran into several people I knew, but had not seen in a long time. Many of these people, were members of AGUILAS/El Ambiente when I first moved to The City. Today, I had the opportunity to thank them for their encouragement and positive wishes. I am grateful for a chance to thank them in person, it made reappearing all that more sweet.

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