Friday, May 9, 2008

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Friday, September 29, 2006

Someday's, I just need to be around gay men....

Bloomingdale's opened a store here in The City. Now, in a city like San Francisco, (God Bless, Free Speech) there is bound to be rehetoric and arguments about excessive cosumerism by some of our fellow residents. Indeed, some of it is very true, I still felt the need to get a bit dressed up, spray on some Chanel (Egoiste) and be amongst the masses of people. Dressing up does change, my disposition. No apologies. None. While it may very well be a stereotye, we gay men were out in force,looking pretty stylish indeed. I've come to a point in my life where I know that there is indeed a world beyond the gay ghetto, but sometimes I need my security blanket that consists of gay men coverging together. Take it or leave it.

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